Ambleshift's Automated Archaeological Antiquity Analyzer

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Revision as of 01:29, 8 November 2014 by Fanra (talk | contribs) (Added more info)
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Ambleshift's Automated Archaeological Antiquity Analyzer, also known as A5, is a device which is received by giving one of 24 collection items to Archivist Dominic Moore (Historian) in The Dead Hills. This item was introduced with the Call of the Forsaken expansion.

The item is labeled in-game as Archaeologist's Automated Antiquity Analyzer and may also be referred to under that name. The reason why the item is labeled differently than the full name is due to limitations in the EQ game software, the full name is too long.


The A5 is part of a Call of the Forsaken Conquest achievement, "Piecing Together History".


The A5 may be used to sense and disarm object traps. It may also be used to pick object locks. It is helpful for opening certain Heroic Adventures objects. More information is need on whether it can be used for other purposes besides Heroic Adventures.


Handing in any one of the 24 collection times grants you the A5. Handing in additional items improves the power of the device.

Reagents needed

In order to disarm traps, it appears you need a Lesser Scrying Stone for each attempt to disarm. You might need a Greater Scrying Stone if your A5 has advanced through handing in enough items to Archivist Dominic Moore, but that needs to be determined. The scrying stone is used up upon casting.

Note that nowhere in the description does it mention this.


As per the instructions, you place the A5 in the correct slot, target an object, and right click the A5. It may take multiple attempts to succeed.

Spell alternative

Caster and priest classes get spells which can disarm the same traps as the A5. They use the same scrying stones. Click on the links for the scrying stones above and look under Reagent for Spells: to see the list of spells.