Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

Enemies of the Teir'Dal

Who- Jarik K`Ahndar
Where- Kithicor
Requirements- Take Everything
Phrase- keen

Mission steps: Reward: Notes:

You'll find Tirabeth pathing from Dragonheart camp up the path to the northwest. When agro'd a few Army of the Light spawn and run to defend her, bringing any patrollers as well. They take a bit to get to her, so you can try to get her dead before they arrive. They depop if they lose agro.
Mitor is found west of the Silverwing camp. Like Tirabeth, when agrod two rangers spawn and charge to defend him. They'll despawn once he's dead if they are blurred.
Halana is found in the Gnollslayer camp. Unlike the others, no defenders come to her rescue, instead she has a few static Army of Light around her.

Once all 3 are dead, return their heads to Jarik to complete the task.