Spy Reports

Who - Gurtude
Where - Fortress Mechanotus
Requirements - All 4 of Gurtrude's tasks
Phrase - alone

Mission steps: Reward: Notes:

The undercover agent is "an inconspiuous mechanic", you'll find him at location (-1040, 1565) in the zepplin. Head over, uninvis, and chat with him for the first update. It is out of agro range of the room, so no worries.

Along the edges of the island Huttle roams east to west and back. You'll need to stay moderatly close and "observe" him stop 6 times. Each time you should get an emote about "This one seems to be coming along nicely." On the 6th observation you get a Seige Engine Inspection Notes on your cursor. Head back to the zepplin and give this to Starm for your second update.

For third update simple go visit Gurtrude and hail her. She'll tell you about a spy in Steam Factory disquised as a mechanic.

Head into the Steam Factory and head southwest. You will find "a fan mechanic" in a room by himself. Hail him, say "Spymaster Gurtrude sent me", and follow the dialog for your 4th update.

Now you need to start killing stuff. You will need:

After collecting the 4 items hand them them in to the spy mechanic, he gives you a Miscalibrated Clockwork Driveshaft. Assemble a group and head to the assembly room (with the conveyor belt). Clear the trash on west side and hand in the driveshaft to the a deactivated steamwork. It will roam to west and Head Engineer Gearwhir spawns. He hits for 2500ish, spawns adds which are mezzable. Killing it updates your task.

On Gearwhir's corpse you find Steam Factory Work Schedule, only 1 drops per kill, loot this to update task.

Return to Gurtrude and give her the Work Schedule to update task. She'll ask you to go scouting in Steam Factoring.

Inside the Steam Factory head to the northeast corner, from here go across the catwalk to the northwest. You'll get an emote and a task update when entering the room.

Head back to Gurtrude to tell her that the power station is not yet repaired. She'll ask you to talk with Brinik. Chat with him and he'll send you back to Steam Factory to find his contact "a furnace engineer" and escort him to the Power Station. You'll find the furnace engineer in a room full of mobs you'll need to clear out first. When you trigger him he begins pathing towards the Power Station. Multiple times during the progression you'll be ambushed by security officers. Kill them and keep going, invising through rooms as you can. He'll stop at the room, at which point you hail him to update the task.

Return to Gurtrude and she sends you on another errand, this time to an agent in Gyrospire Zeka. Outside the tower (among multiple see invis) you'll find "an iron gardner". Hail him for the update.

Now you begin the LONG painful clear to the top of the tower to reach Catapult Engineer XIX. Loot the Zeka Catapult Plans and turn them in to Gurtrude. She will now ask you to help out two more deep cover agents, one in S.H.I.P. and one in the Mansion, you can do them in either order.

For S.H.I.P. you should use the disquise trick to locate "a steamwork tinker" at the bottom of the zone. Hail it and follow the dialog. You will need to collect a set of gears to get the disabled steamwork to go into the next room and explode. The different types typically drop in different portions of the zone. The dropped gears are:

There are many ways to complete this. Start by moving forward 45 (either Caza or Azia+Beza), then turn left and move 15 (either Rot Caza + Adv Azia or Rot Azia + Rev Azia). Turn back to original direction and forward 45. Then another left and 15. Turn back to original direction and another forward 45. Finally turn right and forward 30. End with destruction gear.

When ready say "reset", then give the gears one at a time to the steamwork, in order, ending with zeka. Then say "execute", If you are correct, it will update your task.

For the Mansion step you will need to clear your way to the far northwest room with the M.E.G.. First clear the room of all trash and then hail "a valve inspector" and follow the dialog. Say "ready" to trigger a ring event, where you will kill 20 Steamwork Eradicator IV's. Once you've killed 20 the task updates.

With both steps complete head back to Gurtrude, hail to get your 5 aas, faction, and badge.