Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

Clash of the Kobolds

Who- Berrina Saltidnarik
Where- Brell's Rest
Requirements- Gnoll Who Your Friends Are
Phrase- willing

Mission steps:

Reward: Notes:

This is a group shared task. You have one hour to finish.

Berrina now sends you to talk with Graztuk the Kobold. Graztuk, like all kobolds, is interested in fighting and tests of battle. After you say "volunteer" to him he sends you to talk with Recloso, to have a combat game. You'll find Recloso just south of the bridge with 4 large totems. These totems mark the edges of the field, if you leave them, you lose. Say "ready" and 5 Kobolds spawn and attack. They hit for 4-5k and are mezzable, so bring some CC. After defeating all 5 med up quickly and say "ready" to begin round 2. Kill 5 more kobolds in round 2, and 5 more in round 3. When you start round 4 Recloso himself attacks. He has a small range AE rampage, but given the small area to move it is hard to avoid. In addition 2 Kobolds attack. When all 3 are dead return to Graztuk, who is impressed with your fighting spirit.