Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

Paradise Lost

Who- Tasnise Underbelly
Where- Cooling Chamber
Requirements- None
Phrase- deny

Mission steps:

Reward: Notes:

This is a group task.

Tasnise has challenged you to prove you aren't Brell's flunky. To do this he wants you to goad Eldinn into attacking you, undermining his efforts to enter the Shining City. He gives you an Insulting Note for you to deliver to Eldinn. Eldinn shrugs off the insulting limerick. Next you are to pluck a prize white rose, you'll find this as a groundspawn near the lava's edge in the northeast area of Brell's Rest. Eldinn gets angered when you give it to him, but regains his calm. Return to Tasnise.

Tasnise decides the best way to procede is to capture his wife's soul in a gem and gives you 2 Empty Crystal of Containment. Head back to Brell's Rest and find Elmina (just SE of the lake area). You will need to take her to 20% health before you can click the Crystal to capture her, she hits for up to 6500, slowable, summons, immune to snare.

Once her slow is trapped head back to Eldinn. Hail him and he will lose his calm and attack. He is slowable, summons, immune to snare, hits for up to 12k and has AE rampage. Take him to 20% health and click the second Crystal to trap his soul. Return both souls to Tasnise to complete the task.