Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

Hunt the Dead!

Who- Rodrick Cleanheart
Where- Cooling Chamber
Requirements- Investigate the Dead!
Phrase- use

Mission steps:

Reward: Notes:

Rodrick purifies the amulet, gives it to you (Rodrick's Cleansed Amulet), and asks you to head south to find the source of the taint. You can right click the amulet without breaking invis and you will get a message giving you a general "getting warmer" style message. It will start as a blue "You are nowhere near where you need to be but you are getting CLOSER" as long as you are moving in the right direction. Eventually it changes to a light blue "You are not anywhere near one of The Master's lieutenants", but that means you are in the vicinity. As you hone in on the location (which is different for different people), it will change to yellow. At that point its a good idea to clear the area of zone trash. Eventually you'll hit the right spot and "an undead lieutenant" will spawn. This is a red con, immune to snare, summons, and hits for over 10k. Around 60-70% you get 4 white con "a hand of death", specter model, mezzable, only hits around 4500. The lieutenant and the specters will drop "signet amulet", allowing 5 people to update off one kill. Give the amulet to Rodrick to complete the task.