Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

Mercurial Metal

Who- Peramin Longbottle
Where- Underquarry
Requirements- None
Phrase- reason

Mission steps:

Reward: Notes:

Peramin, and others like her, have decided that with Brell's absense they need to try and get a better understanding of the Underfoot. One new thing to investigate is Mercuralite, which is being horded by a genati named Goralf. She asks you to try and reason with him and bring her 3 bottles of the stuff.

You'll find Goralf standing by himself around (-485, 288, -250). When you hail him he attacks along with two clockworks, Erko and Kedo. Goralf hits for about 4500 and the clockworks about 3500. Kill Goralf first, and he respaws as Angry Goralf. If you are far enough back, he won't agro. Kill both clockworks (which have a Large amount of hp) and then Angry Goralf and everything updates. Loot a bottle of each clockwork and off Goralf, return them to Peramin to complete the task.