Tradeskill Depot

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Revision as of 09:31, 14 December 2022 by Fanra (talk | contribs) (→‎Details: Added 'eligible' to bag items that will be placed in depot)
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The Tradeskill Depot, a/k/a Tradeskill Component Depot, is a tradeskill item only storage bank to be introduced in the Night of Shadows expansion.

The purchase of Night of Shadows grants your account a Tradeskill Component Depot that comes with 250 - 490 slots (depending on the expansion edition purchased) for stacks of different tradeskill items. You can purchase additional slots via the marketplace for a maximum total of 5,000 slots.


  • Each slot ignores the standard stack sizes and can hold up to 99,999 of an item.
  • To withdraw or deposit items from/to your Personal Tradeskill Depot, you'll need to be at a bank. However, you can consume items from anywhere as long as you have Personal Depot checked in the Tradeskill Window.
    • You will only be able to deposit stackable tradeskill items that are not attunable, temporary, lore, no trade (and also not heirloom), containers, or no storage.
  • Items in your Personal Tradeskill Depot can only be used in normal tradeskill combines. You cannot experiment using your depot, the items must be in your inventory.
  • Your Personal Depot can only contain a single stack of each item. For example, if you have 99,999 Cup of Flour in your Personal Depot, you will not be able to deposit any more.
  • All characters on an account on the same server will share the same Personal Tradeskill Depot, much like the shared bank. When a character is transferred to a different server, their Personal Depot will not be included.
  • /outputfile inventory includes items from your Personal Tradeskill Depot if it is loaded (either by opening it at a bank or using it for tradeskill combines).
  • The Tradeskill Window has a checkbox to consume items from your Personal Tradeskill Depot. When checked, it will pull items from your Personal Tradeskill Depot before pulling from your inventory.
  • There is a button to view your Personal Tradeskill Depot from the Tradeskill Window. You will only be able to view items this way, you'll need to open it from a bank to withdraw or deposit items.
  • If you click a bag over the depot, all eligible tradeskill items in the bag will be placed in the depot (space permitting).

Guild Tradeskill Depot

There is planning for a guild bank tradeskill depot to be added to the guild bank. It is believed this will be available to guilds with a marketplace purchase.

At the beginning of this year's Beta, there were some visible elements of a Guild Tradeskill Component Depot in the UI. Unfortunately, the Guild Depot was still in an early state and will not be ready for the launch of Night of Shadows. We are excited to share more information in the future on the Guild Depot as well as an expected release dateas we get closer to the launch of the feature.

We intend to release quality, working systems that players will enjoy, and this requires additional time. For the Personal Tradeskill Component Depot, we will continue to address the feedback received during Beta and encourage everyone to continue sharing your thoughts on the forums after Night of Shadows releases next week!

We hope very much that you enjoy the Personal Tradeskill Component Depot and look forward to the release of the Guild Tradeskill Component Depot in the future.

— Accendo, Daybreak Community Manager
