
Who - Kadara Fangbreaker
Where - Loping Plains
Requirements - The Bloodmoon
Phrase - ?

This is a 12 man mini-raid into the Bloodmoon Keep. The trash in the zone hits quite hard so with a limited raid force it is strongly advised to keep pulls to small numbers. To complicate things there are "a Bloodmoon assassin" which are SoS'd and not trackable. Rangers can help with Skylight Sagacity, allowing them to see the SoS'd mobs. Short duration, so not sure how effective it will be. It is suggested you clear as much of the zone as you can.

Moonfang himself hits like a truck, max hit being around 6k. He also has a full strength AE ramp, but no single ramp, so melee need to be very careful. He can also cast/proc Wolf Lunge which is a 4k dd + stun + FD, so your tank needs to be on his toes to stand back up. Focus dps on Moonfang and burn strong. During event the raid will get red text stating adds are on the way. Each wave of adds gets progressivly harder from weak "a worg pup" to difficult "an armored worg". Lock them down or kite them as best you can and get Moonfang dead. Clean up the adds and return to Kadara and hail.

Kandara Fangbreaker grins slyly as you approach, 'what a surprise, you made it back in one piece. You must be smarter than you look. I suppose you'll be wanting that reward now.'
Your faction standing with Fang Breakers got better.

Your reward is a Ancient Emerald Faycite Bisection for each member of the raid (unsure if people can be swapped at this point) and the faction with Fang Breakers.