Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

What Lies Below

Who- Groundskeeper Seamus
Requirements- none
Phrase- feed

Mission steps:



Groundskeeper Seamus is in the Grounds, just outside the Well. Say "souls" to enter The Well instance.

Seamus has duped you and pushed you into the well. Your only chance to forward. Start by moving southward triggering the first two updates. You'll find Edgar passed out surrounded by scorpions, hail him and he says he needs his pack from the mud room for the antidote to the stingers. Go back to the start room and take the eastern exit to the mud area. Here you'll find his pack as a ground spawn, pick it up and give it to Edgar. Feeling restored, Edgar asks you to collect 8 rubble, groundspawns, and bring them to him to build a way up to an upper ledge. After doing so he says you'll need dynamite to open it, and only his old boss Foreman Dreck has any. Head deep into the Well and kill the Foreman, loot his dynamite, and chat with Edgar. With everything ready climb the rubble on the south side of the room. As you enter the now opened tunnel, Zurlak should pop at the back. He has a spell that'll do 20k and make you a zombie, but otherwise pretty easy. The mission locks when it dies. Lastly hail Edgar to spawn your chest with one spell and one of the following: