Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

The First Corruption

Who- Delth
Where- Convorteum
Requirements- Delth's 3 tasks
Phrase- Join

Mission steps:

Reward: Notes:

Say "ready" to enter the instance.

This mission can be done using two groups. After doing the initial hails you are presented with waves of enemies. For the first wave you need to keep agro off Delth or they will continue to respawn. On the second wave, some of them cast a flux, these should die first. The others in second wave follow the same respawn rules as first wave, so make sure to hold all of the mobs agro off Delth. On the third wave there is a named in the lava along with adds. If you kill the adds, they will respawn when named dies so kill the named first.

Next us is Crushing Apexus. He spawns in the "small hut near smelters room" and moves steadily towards your allies. Kill him before he gets there or the mission fails.