Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

Protect the Arms

Who- Troopwielder Latakan
Requirements- This Is Argath! and Shoring Up Defenses
Phrase- speak

Quest steps:



Latakan is concerned about Windsong, an ally of Erillion, begining an air assault. He sends you to Mizzenblast for more information on how to deal with it. Mizzenblast has developed a LRK400, a tool for blasting things out of the air. Head north a bit and you will see some "windsong transport" in the air, dervish models. Equip the LRK400 and click it while targeting one. It takes 4 clicks to destroy one (unless you crit), at which point a wind trooper will attack. These are low hp mobs, so dispatch it and return to shooting. Once 5 ships are destroyed return to Latakan, who sends you south to chat with Stalvec. After a bit of a chat Stalvec tells you the forces of Eriliion have taken this arm, and wants you to kill Commander Jesala, Commander Ilvestra, and Influencer Zagrala. You'll find all three in buildings. Once they are dispatched return to Stalvec to complete the task.