Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

Captain's Orders

Who- Captain Lonz Duran
Requirements- none
Phrase- a mess

Quest steps:



Captain Duran has solicited your aid in helping clean up the mess of the sitaution caused by the Orator's forces. First, head out into the water and kill off some squid and sharks, reporting back when dead. His plan is now to poison Captain Ullas. He sends you to Falthen Berros to get the poison, which he gives you and directs you to the captain's room. Head back and give him the poison, then back to Duran to give him an update. Next up, firebombs! Go chat with Marrien Kavus, who gives you three of them and tells you to hit the plaza, the barracks, and the library. These are just location update, the plaza being to the southwest, the barracks to the northwest, and the library is the lighthouse. After triggering all three, hail Captain Duran to complete the task.