Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

The Governor's Plot

Who- Governor Parrin Wenst
Requirements- None
Phrase- help

Quest steps:



The governor has a plan for disrupting the Orator's army and sends you to the Guard Captain for details. Reles tells you that to weakend their forces you should kill a few of the troops, their quartermaster, and take some of their equipment to Ain Kavus. You'll need to kill any 8 mobs with "Orator's army" in the name to update the first stept. You'll find the quartmaster in the northen barracks, he hits a tad over 11k, loot the plans after killing him. You'll find the CoB Equipment as drops from the "Orator's army" mobs. Deliver the equipment and plans to Rebel Leader Ain Kavus, and report your progress to Governor Wenst to complete the task.