Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril (sub quests)

Who- Infiltrator Tesara
Requirements- None
Phrase- task

Quest steps:



The first time you talk to Infiltrator Tesara and follow the dialog, you are told to seek out Therin the Ancient and Alchemist Vaskerin, Therin kicks off the progression tasks and Vaskerin the major task for dealing with the Thel Ereth Ril. All you need to do is approach both npc's to complete the task. Once done, when you say "task" to Tesara you are offered a random one of the following 24 shared tasks:

9 - Raptor Rampage
Head east to kill Gorals. On death some will pop an egg on your cursor, target a raptor and click the egg. Nothing special happens, can do this to an agro raptor. Repeat a total of 7 times.

The Cloud of Decay
Kill the denizens of decay affected by the Cloud of Decay. An abundance of corpses creates the Cloud.

Summation of Nightmares
Create Revolting Nightmares by simultaneously weakening two denizens of decay. Then kill the Revolting Nightmares.

High Tide
Kill the denizens of tides that have passed through all the tidal clouds.

Electrocution Danger
Electrocute three or more denizens of tides that are standing together, and kill them.

The Heat of Battle
Kill the denizens of steel affected by the Heat of Battle. As creatures gather in front of the temple, Heat rises.

Taming the Living Blades
Weaken the living blades or blades of anger, steal the blades, and use them to kill the carnifex, archons, and soldiers.

Target the Healers
Kill the crystalline healers.

Illegal Mining
Mine the pure crystals embedded in the rocks.

Severing the Vines
Kill the denizens of fertility while they are affected by the Rengeneration of Lunanyn.

Trimming the Overgrowth
Kill any squirming sprout piles that crawl from the bodies of defeated denizens of fertility.

Beastly Scavengers
Lure the scavenging brutes by creating corpses inside the burrows, and kill them.

Harmonious Magic
Kill the denizens of magic while they are resonating with Harmonious Magic.

Confront Your Nemesis
Transform into one of the types of magical creatures, and kill the opposing types of creatures.

Inherit the Wind
Reach the floating rocks to gain the power of the wind, and kill the denizens of oratory.

Condeming the Next Generation
Destroy the eggs laid by the wind servants and lieges.

Touched by a Thel Ereth Ril
Kill a creature empowered by the thel ereth ril.

Descend to Ascend
Kill the transcended initiates after they have been transformed by the alsa thel pools.

The Hunger of Thel
Kill the zombies and skeletons that are affected by the Hunger of Thel.

Persuading the Weak Minded
Weaken and subjugate initiates with the Commanding Words. Then lead them in attacks against alsa constructs.

Secreting Supplies
Steal boxes of supplies and deliver them to Tasara without being attacked.

Gift of Stabbing
Deliver the thel daggers to Tasara.

Become the Thel Ereth Ril
Don the disguise of the thel ereth ril and kill the soldiers of the Triumvirate or followers of Alra.

Conquest of the Triumvirate
Kill the denizens of the Triumvirate's tomb while they are not strengthened by the Conquest of the Triumvirate.

These tasks each have a limited duration of 3 hours, reward a number of droplets, and have lockouts of 2 hours each. As I learn how much each task yields, I'll add that to the task name.