Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

The Enemy of My Enemy

Who- Captain Gre Metkal
Requirements- Raid and Recover, The Assassination Game, and Uncharted Territory
Phrase- capable

Quest steps:



Gre Metkal thinks it would be wise to try and turn the wraiths against the Prophet, which would both remove one of their foes and hinder the enemy. He sends you to speak with Aedros in the wraith camp who is naturally distrustful. He sends you to find proof that the Prophet's army were given orders by killing 5 troopers. The troopers drop "Order of the Prophets", but do NOT loot yet. Instead go hail Gre Metkal who says that Pika can help. Pika says he needs some orders to doctor up, now go loot the Orders off a trooper and give them to Pika. Next he needs a Poison of the Hunter off of any non-baby hunter spider. Give the poison to Pika and he will give you Forged Orders. Take these to Aedros, who promises not to actively seek you out. Lastly visit Gre Metkal to complete the task.