Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

The Cacophony of Power

Who- General Terasal
Requirements- Stranger in a Strange Land, Getting Down to Business, Making Music, and The Sound of Silence
Phrase- powerful

Quest steps:



Say "assembled" to zone into instance.

Kill devotee and worshipers, loot 5 instruments. elementals don't drop Move to center of zone stand near tomb, click each istrument target one, /say start playing Echo of Ryken pop, agro Commanding Voice, a 6 sec charm Wreched Rhetoric, a single target 26k dd, 14k dot, and mana drain Monologue of Melancholy, a short range melee slow and snare. 50%, depop, 6 bats attack Hit 5k Overwhelming Screech, an unresistable AE stun

Can drop: