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I have bought sraeevl different types of charts over the years (like putting stickers onto little 5 x 5 paper charts You all know what I'm talking about) I think this one is the best. Although I did not purchase this from Amazon.comThe task squares and stars are velcro so they can change, be removed or added depending on how you teach your child or what you are specifically working on at that time. The task squares have pictures on them with the wording underneath.At my daughter's school, they start the kids off every day positively with a green . When they misbehave, they have to pull the green card or apple. I have chosen to do the same with the stars on her chart. She starts off (she is six) with all her stars because there is no reason why she can't to do everything that is on the chart. When she fails to complete a task or misbehaves after one warning, she will have to pull a star off.If you decide to teach in this method, you will need extra stars. Go directly to the website of the manufacturer ([...]) to order more. You can also order a whole array of other task squares that will fit into your childs needs. I also have a four year old who has different tasks that he needs to work on. He needs to work more on being nice, listening and not to whine. When he receives so many stars, he receives a reward.Which brings me to my next positive about this product. There are also blank task squares. You can write, draw or print out a picture of the reward or a specific task not available. This is great because our little guy loves to play with his DS or the Wii. Usually it's a weekend reward but if he's really good, he can play for 30 minutes during the school week. Our six year old loves completely different things so her reward would maybe be a shopping trip to a Learning Express (where I purchased my first chart) or maybe even a sleepover at her grandparents house.It grows with your children as well. If you have older children and are having them learn how to take care of the house (washing the dishes, taking out the garbage, feeding the dogs) the company's website has tasks squares for that as well. I have already purchased those and will slowly add those onto my daughters chart as she perfects each task. As they say, out with old and in with the new.I have read other reviews about some of the pictures on the task squares and I agree that they are questionable. The one I really find questionable is Good Table Manners . It shows a boy eating spaghetti with his hands and having sauce all over his mouth, shirt and table. Now, how is that showing good manners? A picture of the boy with a fork in hand and a napkin close by, that is good table manners. I think it's an easy fix. Take a thin red marker and draw an big X over it and explain that this is what NOT to do.But there are some pictures where they have no choice but to show a picture of an incorrect action. How would you picture No Whining or No Back Talking ? I say get that red marker out!