Overview - Named - Tasks and Missions

Breaking Ballistae

Who- Council Leader Alteris
Requirements- This Is Argath!, Shoring Up Defenses, Protect the Arms, and The Riddle of Steel
Phrase- work

Quest steps:



Alteris is concerned about the bombardment from the Erilion catapults causing starvation. First chat with Alassin, who sends you to Mizzenblast. The clever little gnome has created a device for blowing up the catapults while staying safe. Head down to the belly and locate the four catapults. You'll need to jump on them to be "close enough", equip the "Mizzenblast Exoblast", and click it. When the cast finishes the catapult is destroyed. However, while you are close 2 "catapult defenders" spawn and attack. They are low hp, but your group will need to keep them off the person doing the bombing. Once all four are down you'll need to beat down Galdon (near catapult #3). Galdon is flanked by two clerics that you'll want to split or take out first and Galdon as AE Rampage. Beat him down to 25% and he will stop claiming the Orator wants the forge, but they didn't poison it. Go to Bursin the Legend near the forge and report what has happened