SPA list: Difference between revisions

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Behold, the SPA list:
Here is a list of EverQuest '''SPA'''s.  SPA is SPell Affect, which refers to a specific set of values for each spell which controls what they do.  This list is from [ this thread] with posts by EQ Developers.
0 - HP
1 - AC
2 - Attack Power
3 - Movement Rate
0 HP
4 - STR
5 - DEX
1 AC
6 - AGI
7 - STA
2 Attack Power
8 - INT
9 - WIS
3 Movement Rate
10 - CHA
11 - Melee Speed
12 - Invisibility
13 - See Invis
14 - Enduring Breath
15 - Mana
16 - NPC-Frenzy
17 - NPC-Awareness
18 - NPC Aggro
19 - NPC Faction
20 - Blindness
21 - Stun
22 - Charm
23 - Fear
10 CHA
24 - Fatigue
25 - Bind Affinity
11 Melee Speed
26 - Gate
27 - Dispel Magic
12 Invisibility
28 - Invis Vs Undead
29 - Invis Vs Animals
13 See Invis
30 - NPC-ReactRange
31 - Enthrall (Mez)
14 Enduring Breath
32 - Create Item
33 - Spawn NPC
15 Mana
34 - Confuse
35 - Disease
16 NPC-Frenzy
36 - Poison
37 - DetectHostile
17 NPC-Awareness
38 - DetectMagic
39 - NoTwincast
18 NPC Aggro
40 - Invulnerability
41 - Banish
19 NPC Faction
42 - Shadow Step
43 - Berserk
20 Blindness
44 - Lycanthropy
45 - Vampirism
21 Stun
46 - Resist Fire
47 - Resist Cold
22 Charm
48 - Resist Poison
49 - Resist Disease
23 Fear
50 - Resist Magic
51 - Detect (Switch) Traps
24 Fatigue
52 - Detect Undead
53 - Detect Summoned
25 Bind Affinity
54 - Detect Animals
55 - Stoneskin
26 Gate
56 - True North
57 - Levitation
27 Dispel Magic
58 - Change Form
59 - Damage Attackers (DS)
28 Invis Vs Undead
60 - TransferItem
61 - Identify
29 Invis Vs Animals
62 - Item ID
63 - NPC-WipeHatelist
30 NPC-ReactRange
64 - Spin Stun
65 - Infravision
31 Enthrall (Mez)
66 - Ultravision
67 - NPC-POV
32 Create Item
68 - Reclaim Energy
69 - Max HP
33 Spawn NPC
70 - CorpseBomb
71 - Create Undead
34 Confuse
72 - PreserveCorpse
73 - TargetsView
35 Disease
74 - FeignDeath
75 - Ventriloquism
36 Poison
76 - Sentinel
77 - LocateCorpse
37 DetectHostile
78 - SpellShield
79 - InstantHP
38 DetectMagic
80 - Enchant:Light
81 - Resurrect
39 NoTwincast
82 - Summon Target
83 - Portal
40 Invulnerability
84 - Hp-NPC-ONLY
85 - Contact Ability (Melee Proc)
41 Banish
86 - NPC-Help-Radius
87 - Telescope
42 Shadow Step
88 - Combat Portal
89 - Height
43 Berserk
90 - IgnorePet
91 - SummonCorpse
44 Lycanthropy
92 - Hate (On Spell Land)
93 - WeatherControl
45 Vampirism
94 - Fragile
95 - Sacrifice
46 Resist Fire
96 - Silence
97 - Max Mana
47 Resist Cold
98 - Bard Haste
99 - Root
48 Resist Poison
100 - HP Duration Only
101 - Complete Heal (Residual Buff)
49 Resist Disease
102 - Pet No Fear
103 - Summon Pet
50 Resist Magic
104 - Translocate
105 - Anti-Gate (NPC Only)
51 Detect (Switch) Traps
106 - BeastLordPet
107 - Alter Pet Level
52 Detect Undead
108 - Familiar
109 - CreateItemInBag
53 Detect Summoned
110 - Removed (Archery RNG Acc%)
111 - Resistances
54 Detect Animals
112 - Adjust Casting Skill (Fizzles)
113 - SummonMount
55 Stoneskin
114 - Modify Hate
115 - Cornucopia
56 True North
116 - Curse
117 - HitMagic
57 Levitation
118 - Amplification
119 - BardHaste2
58 Change Form
120 - HealMod
121 - IronMaiden
59 Damage Attackers (DS)
122 - ReduceSkill
123 - Immunity
60 TransferItem
124 - Fc_Damage_%
125 - Fc_HealMod
61 Identify
126 - Fc_ResistMod
127 - Fc_CastTimeMod1
62 Item ID
128 - Fc_DurationMod
129 - Fc_RangeMod
63 NPC-WipeHatelist
130 - Fc_HateMod
131 - Fc_ReagentMod
64 Spin Stun
132 - Fc_ManaMod
133 - Fc_StunTimeMod
65 Infravision
134 - Ff_LevelMax
135 - Ff_ResistType
66 Ultravision
136 - Ff_TargetType
137 - Ff_WhichSPA
138 - Ff_Beneficial
139 - Ff_WhichSpellID
68 Reclaim Energy
140 - Ff_DurationMin
141 - Ff_InstantOnly
69 Max HP
142 - Ff_LevelMin
143 - Ff_CastTimeMin
70 CorpseBomb
144 - Ff_CastTimeMax
145 - Portal NPC Warder Banish
71 Create Undead
146 - Portal Locations
147 - Percent Heal
72 PreserveCorpse
148 - StackingBlocker
149 - StripVirtualSlot
73 TargetsView
150 - Divine Intervention/Death Pact
151 - PocketPet
74 FeignDeath
152 - PetSwarm
153 - Damage Balance
75 Ventriloquism
154 - Cancel Negative
155 - PoP Resurrect
76 Sentinel
156 - Mirror Form
157 - Feedback
77 LocateCorpse
158 - Reflect
159 - Mod all Stats
78 SpellShield
160 - Inebriation | Sobriety
161 - Spell Guard
79 InstantHP
162 - Melee Guard
163 - Absorb Hit
80 Enchant:Light
164 - Object - Sense Trap
165 - Object - Disarm Trap
81 Resurrect
166 - Object - Picklock
167 - Fc_Pet
82 Summon Target
168 - Defensive
169 - Critical Melee (PC Only)
83 Portal
170 - Spell Crit Damage
171 - Crippling Blow
172 - Evasion
173 - Riposte
85 Contact Ability (Melee Proc)
174 - Dodge
175 - Parry
86 NPC-Help-Radius
176 - Dual Wield
177 - Double Attack
87 Telescope
178 - Melee Resource Drain
179 - Puretone
88 Combat Portal
180 - Sanctification
181 - Fearless
89 Height
182 - Hundred Hands
183 - UNUSED - Skill Increase Chance
90 IgnorePet
184 - Accuracy %
185 - Skill Damage Mod 1
91 SummonCorpse
186 - Min Damage Done Mod
187 - Mana Balance
92 Hate (On Spell Land)
188 - Block
189 - Endurance
93 WeatherControl
190 - Max Endurance
191 - Amnesia
94 Fragile
192 - Hate (Duration Only)
193 - Skill Attack
95 Sacrifice
194 - Fade
195 - Stun Resist (Melee+Spell)
96 Silence
196 - Deprecated (strikethrough)
197 - Skill Damage Taken Incoming
97 Max Mana
198 - Instant Endurance
199 - Taunt
98 Bard Haste
200 - Weapon Proc Chance
201 - Ranged Proc
99 Root
202 - IllusionOther
203 - MassBuff
100 DOT Heals
204 - Group Fear Immunity
205 - AE Rampage Instant (PC Only)
101 Complete Heal (Residual Buff)
206 - AE Taunt
207 - Flesh to Bone
102 Pet No Fear
208 - Purge Poison
209 - Cancel Beneficial
103 Summon Pet
210 - Shield Caster
211 - AE Melee (PC Only)
104 Translocate
212 - Fc_FrenziedDevastation
213 - Pet % HP
105 Anti-Gate (NPC Only)
214 - HP Max Percent
215 - Pet Avoidance %
106 BeastLordPet
216 - Melee Accuracy Amt
217 - Headshot
107 Alter Pet Level
218 - Pet Crit Melee Chance (Owner)
219 - Slay Undead
108 Familiar
220 - Skill Min_Damage Amt 1
221 - ReduceWeight
109 CreateItemInBag
222 - BlockBehind
223 - Double Riposte
110 Ranger Archery Accuracy %
224 - AddRiposte
225 - Give Double Attack
111 Resistances
226 - 2hbash
227 - ReduceSkillTimer
112 Adjust Casting Skill (Fizzles)
228 - ReduceFallDmg
229 - CastThroughStun
113 SummonMount
230 - Increase Shield Distance
231 - StunBashChance
114 Modify Hate
232 - Divine Save
233 - Metabolism
115 Cornucopia
234 - Poison Mastery
235 - FocusChannelling
116 Curse
236 - Free Pet
237 - PetAffinity
117 HitMagic
238 - Permanent Illusion
239 - Stonewall
118 Amplification
240 - String Unbreakable
241 - Improve Reclaim Energy
119 BardHaste2
242 - IncreaseChanceMemwipe
243 - NoBreakCharmChance
120 HealMod
244 - RootBreakChance
245 - Trap Circumvention
121 IronMaiden
246 - Lung Capacity
247 - IncreaseSkillCap
122 ReduceSkill
248 - ExtraSpecialization
249 - Offhand Weapon MinDamage Bonus
123 Immunity
250 - Increase ContactAbility Chance
251 - EndlessQuiver
124 Fc_Damage_%
252 - Backstab FullDamage From Front
253 - Chaotic Stab
125 Fc_HealMod
254 - NoSpell
255 - Shielding Duration Mod
126 Fc_ResistMod
256 - Shroud of Stealth
257 - DEPRECATED - GivePetHold
127 Fc_CastTimeMod
258 - Triple Backstab
259 - ACLimitMod
128 Fc_DurationMod
260 - AddInstrumentMod
261 - SongModCap
129 Fc_RangeMod
262 - StatsCap
263 - TradeskillMasteries
130 Fc_HateMod
264 - ReduceAATimer
265 - NoFizzle
131 Fc_ReagentMod
266 - AddExtraAttack% (2h)
267 - AddPetCommands
132 Fc_ManaMod
268 - AlcFailRate
269 - Bandage Max HP Limit %
133 Fc_StunTimeMod
270 - Bard Song Beneficial Radius %
271 - BaseRunMod
134 Ff_LevelMax
272 - Bard Song Level
273 - Critical DoT
135 Ff_ResistType
274 - CriticalHeal
275 - Critical Mend %
136 Ff_TargetType
276 - DualWieldAmt
277 - ExtraDIChance
137 Ff_WhichSPA
278 - FinishingBlow
279 - FlurryChance (PC Only)
138 Ff_Beneficial
280 - Pet Flurry Chance (Owner)
281 - GivePetFeign
139 Ff_WhichSpellID
282 - Increase Bandage Heal %
283 - SpecialAttackChain
140 Ff_DurationMin
284 - LoHSetHeal
285 - Allow Hide/Evade While Moving
141 Ff_InstantOnly
286 - Fc_Damage_Amt
287 - Fc_DurationMod (static)
142 Ff_LevelMin
288 - Add Proc Hit (AA)
289 - Doom Duration
143 Ff_CastTimeMin
290 - Increase Movement Cap
291 - Purify
144 Ff_CastTimeMax
292 - Strikethrough
293 - StunResist2 (Melee)
145 Portal NPC Warder Banish
294 - Spell Crit Chance
295 - ReduceTimerSpecial
146 Portal Locations
296 - Fc_Spell_Damage_%_Incoming
297 - Fc_Spell_Damage_Amt_Incoming
147 Percent Heal
298 - Height (Small)
299 - Wake the Dead 1 (Corpse Class)
148 StackingBlocker
300 - Doppelganger
301 - Increase Range Damage
149 StripVirtualSlot
302 - Fc_Damage_%_Crit
303 - Fc_Damage_Amt_Crit
150 Divine Intervention/Death Pact
304 - Secondary Riposte Mod
305 - Mitigate Damage Shield Offhand
151 PocketPet
306 - Wake the Dead 2 (File Class)
307 - Appraisal
152 PetSwarm
308 - Zone Suspend Minion
309 - Teleport Caster's Bindpoint
153 Damage Balance
310 - Fc_ReuseTimer
311 - Ff_CombatSkill
154 Cancel Negative
312 - Observer
313 - Forage Master
155 PoP Resurrect
314 - Improved Invis
315 - Improved Invis Undead
156 Mirror
316 - Improved Invis Animals
317 - Worn Regen Cap
157 Feedback
318 - Worn Mana Regen Cap
319 - Critical HP Regen
158 Reflect
320 - Shield Block Chance
321 - Reduce Target Hate
159 Mod all Stats
322 - Gate Starting City
323 - Defensive Proc
160 Inebriation | Sobriety
324 - HP for Mana
325 - No Break AE Sneak
161 Spell Guard
326 - Spell Slots
327 - Buff Slots
162 Melee Guard
328 - Negative HP Limit
329 - Mana Absorb % Damage
163 Absorb Hit
330 - Critical Melee Damage Mod
331 - Alchemy Item Recovery
164 Object - Sense Trap
332 - Summon to Corpse
333 - Doom Rune Consumed
165 Object - Disarm Trap
334 - HP No Move
335 - Fc_Immunity_Focus
166 Object - Picklock
336 - Illusionary Target
337 - Increase Exp %
167 Fc_Pet
338 - Expedient Recovery
339 - Fc_CastProc
168 Defensive
340 - Chance Spell
341 - Worn Attack Cap
169 Critical Melee (PC Only)
342 - No Panic
343 - Spell Interrupt
170 Spell Crit Damage
344 - Item Channeling
345 - Assassinate Max Level / Chance
171 Crippling Blow
346 - Headshot Max
347 - Double Ranged Attack
172 Evasion
348 - Ff_Mana_Min
349 - Increase Damage With Shield
173 Riposte
350 - Manaburn
351 - Spawn Interactive Object
174 Dodge
352 - Increase Trap Count
353 - Increase SOI Count
175 Parry
354 - Deactivate All Traps
355 - Learn Trap
176 Dual Wield
356 - Change Trigger Type
357 - Fc_Mute
177 Double Attack
358 - Instant Mana
359 - Passive Sense Trap
178 Melee Resource Drain
360 - Proc On Kill Shot
361 - Proc On Death
179 Puretone
362 - Potion Belt
363 - Bandolier
180 Sanctification
364 - AddTripleAttackChance
365 - Proc On Spell Kill Shot
181 Fearless
366 - Group Shielding
367 - Modify Body Type
182 Hundred Hands
368 - Modify Faction
369 - Corruption
183 UNUSED - Skill Increase Chance
370 - ResistCorruption
371 - Slow
184 Accuracy %
372 - Grant Foraging
373 - Doom Always
185 Skill Damage Mod 1
374 - Trigger Spell
375 - Critical DoT Damage Mod %
186 Min Damage Done Mod
376 - Fling
377 - Removed (Doom Entity)
187 Mana Balance
378 - Resist Other SPA
379 - Directional Shadowstep
188 Block
380 - Knockback Explosive (PC Only)
381 - Fling Target to Caster
189 Endurance
382 - Suppression
383 - Fc_CastProcNormalized
190 Max Endurance
384 - Fling Caster to Target
385 - Ff_WhichSpellGroup
191 Amnesia
386 - Doom Dispeller
387 - Doom Dispelled
192 Hate (Duration Only)
388 - Summon All Corpses
389 - Fc_Timer_Refresh
193 Skill Attack
390 - Fc_Timer_Lockout
391 - Ff_Mana_Max
194 Fade
392 - Fc_Heal_Amt
393 - Fc_Heal_%_Incoming
195 Stun Resist (Melee+Spell)
394 - Fc_Heal_Amt_Incoming
395 - Fc_Heal_%_Crit
196 Deprecated (strikethrough)
396 - Fc_Heal_Amt_Crit
397 - Pet Add AC
197 Skill Damage Taken Incoming
398 - Fc_Swarm_Pet_Duration
399 - Fc_Twincast
198 Instant Endurance
400 - Healburn
401 - Mana Ignite
199 Taunt
402 - Endurance Ignite
403 - Ff_SpellClass
200 Weapon Proc Chance
404 - Ff_SpellSubclass
405 - Staff Block Chance
201 Ranged Proc
406 - Doom Limit Use
407 - Doom Focus Used
202 IllusionOther
408 - Limit HP
409 - Limit Mana
203 MassBuff
410 - Limit Endurance
411 - Ff_ClassPlayer
204 Group Fear Immunity
412 - Ff_Race
413 - Fc_BaseEffects
205 AE Rampage Instant (PC Only)
414 - Ff_CastingSkill
415 - Ff_ItemClass
206 AE Taunt
416 - AC_2
417 - Mana_2
207 Flesh to Bone
418 - Skill Min_Damage Amt 2
419 - Contact Ability 2 (Melee Proc)
208 Purge Poison
420 - Fc_Limit_Use
421 - Fc_Limit_Use_Amt
209 Cancel Beneficial
422 - Ff_Limit_Use_Min
423 - Ff_Limit_Use_Type
210 Shield Caster
424 - Gravitate
425 - Fly
211 AE Melee (PC Only)
426 - AddExtTargetSlots
427 - Skill Proc (Attempt)
212 Fc_FrenziedDevastation
428 - Proc Skill Modifier
429 - Skill Proc (Success)
213 Pet % HP
430 - PostEffect
431 - PostEffectData
214 HP Max Percent
432 - ExpandMaxActiveTrophyBenefits
433 - Normalized Skill Min_Dmg Amt 1
215 Pet Avoidance %
434 - Normalized Skill Min_Dmg Amt 2
435 - Fragile Defense
216 Melee Accuracy Amt
436 - Toggle Freeze Buff Timers
437 - Teleport to Anchor
217 Headshot
438 - Translocate to Anchor
439 - Assassinate Chance / DMG
218 Pet Crit Melee Chance (Owner)
440 - FinishingBlowMax
441 - Distance Removal
219 SlayUndead
442 - Doom Req Bearer
443 - Doom Req Caster
220 Skill Min_Damage Amt 1
444 - Improved Taunt
445 - Add Merc Slot
221 ReduceWeight
446 - A_Stacker
447 - B_Stacker
222 BlockBehind
448 - C_Stacker
449 - D_Stacker
223 Double Riposte
450 - DoT Guard
451 - Melee Threshold Guard
224 AddRiposte
452 - Spell Threshold Guard
453 - Doom Melee Threshold
225 Give Double Attack
454 - Doom Spell Threshold
455 - Add Hate % (On Land)
226 2hbash
456 - Add Hate Over Time %
457 - Resource Tap
227 ReduceSkillTimer
458 - Faction Mod %
459 - Skill Damage Mod 2
228 ReduceFallDmg
460 - Ff_Override_NotFocusable
461 - Fc_Damage_%_Crit 2
229 CastThroughStun
462 - Fc_Damage_Amt 2
463 - Shield Target
230 Increase Shield Distance
464 - PC Pet Rampage
465 - PC Pet AE Rampage
231 StunBashChance
466 - PC Pet Flurry Chance
467 - DS Mitigation Amount
232 Divine Save
468 - DS Mitigation Percentage
469 - Chance Best in Spell Group
233 Metabolism
470 - Trigger Best in Spell Group
471 - Double Melee Round (PC Only)
234 Poison Mastery
472 - Buy AA Rank
473 - Double Backstab From Front
235 FocusChannelling
474 - Pet Crit Melee Damage% (Owner)
475 - Trigger Spell Non-Item
236 Free Pet
476 - Weapon Stance
477 - Hatelist To Top Index
237 PetAffinity
478 - Hatelist To Tail Index
479 - Ff_Value_Min
238 Permanent Illusion
480 - Ff_Value_Max
481 - Fc_Cast_Spell_On_Land
239 Stonewall
482 - Skill Base Damage Mod
483 - Fc_Spell_Damage_%_IncomingPC
240 String Unbreakable
484 - Fc_Spell_Damage_Amt_IncomingPC
485 - Ff_CasterClass
241 Improve Reclaim Energy
486 - Ff_Same_Caster
487 - Extend Tradeskill Cap
242 IncreaseChanceMemwipe
488 - Defender Melee Force % (PC)
489 - Worn Endurance Regen Cap
243 NoBreakCharmChance
490 - Ff_ReuseTimeMin
491 - Ff_ReuseTimeMax
244 RootBreakChance
492 - Ff_Endurance_Min
493 - Ff_Endurance_Max
245 Trap Circumvention
494 - Pet Add Atk
495 - Ff_DurationMax
246 Lung Capacity
496 - Critical Melee Damage Mod Max
497 - Ff_FocusCastProcNoBypass
247 IncreaseSkillCap
498 - AddExtraAttack% (1h-Primary)
499 - AddExtraAttack% (1h-Secondary)
248 ExtraSpecialization
500 - Fc_CastTimeMod2
501 - Fc_CastTimeAmt
249 Offhand Weapon MinDamage Bonus
502 - Fearstun
503 - Melee Damage Position Mod
250 Increase ContactAbility Chance
504 - Melee Damage Position Amt
505 - Damage Taken Position Mod
251 EndlessQuiver
506 - Damage Taken Position Amt
507 - Fc_Amplify_Mod
252 Backstab FullDamage From Front
508 - Fc_Amplify_Amt
509 - Health Transfer
253 Chaotic Stab
510 - Fc_ResistIncoming
254 NoSpell
255 Shielding Duration Mod
256 Shroud of Stealth
257 DEPRECATED - GivePetHold
258 Triple Backstab
259 ACLimitMod
260 AddInstrumentMod
261 SongModCap
262 StatsCap
263 TradeskillMasteries
264 ReduceAATimer
265 NoFizzle
266 AddExtraAttackChance (2h)
267 AddPetCommands
268 AlcFailRate
269 Bandage Max HP Limit %
270 Bard Song Beneficial Radius %
271 BaseRunMod
272 Bard Song Level
273 Critical DoT
274 CriticalHeal
275 Critical Mend %
276 DualWieldAmt
277 ExtraDIChance
278 FinishingBlow
279 FlurryChance (PC Only)
280 Pet Flurry Chance (Owner)
281 GivePetFeign
282 Increase Bandage Heal %
283 SpecialAttackChain
284 LoHSetHeal
285 Allow Hide/Evade While Moving
286 Fc_Damage_Amt
287 Fc_DurationMod (static)
288 Add Proc Hit (AA)
289 Doom Effect
290 Increase Movement Cap
291 Purify
292 Strikethrough
293 StunResist2 (Melee)
294 Spell Crit Chance
295 ReduceTimerSpecial
296 Fc_Spell_Damage_%_Incoming
297 Fc_Spell_Damage_Amt_Incoming
298 Height (Small)
299 Wake the Dead 1 (Corpse Class)
300 Doppelganger
301 Increase Range Damage
302 Fc_Damage_%_Crit
303 Fc_Damage_Amt_Crit
304 Secondary Riposte Mod
305 Mitigate Damage Shield Offhand
306 Wake the Dead 2 (File Class)
307 Appraisal
308 Zone Suspend Minion
309 Teleport Caster's Bindpoint
310 Fc_ReuseTimer
311 Ff_CombatSkill
312 Observer
313 Forage Master
314 Improved Invis
315 Improved Invis Undead
316 Improved Invis Animals
317 Worn Regen Cap
318 Worn Mana Regen Cap
319 Critical HP Regen
320 Shield Block Chance
321 Reduce Target Hate
322 Gate Starting City
323 Defensive Proc
324 HP for Mana
325 No Break AE Sneak
326 Spell Slots
327 Buff Slots
328 Negative HP Limit
329 Mana Absorb % Damage
330 Critical Melee Damage Mod
331 Alchemy Item Recovery
332 Summon to Corpse
333 Doom Rune Effect
334 HP No Move
335 Fc_Immunity_Focus
336 Illusionary Target
337 Increase Exp %
338 Expedient Recovery
339 Fc_CastProc
340 Chance Spell
341 Worn Attack Cap
342 No Panic
343 Spell Interrupt
344 Item Channeling
345 Assassinate Max Level / Chance
346 Headshot Max
347 Double Ranged Attack
348 Ff_Mana_Min
349 Increase Damage With Shield
350 Manaburn
351 Spawn Interactive Object
352 Increase Trap Count
353 Increase SOI Count
354 Deactivate All Traps
355 Learn Trap
356 Change Trigger Type
357 Fc_Mute
358 Instant Mana
359 Passive Sense Trap
360 Proc On Kill Shot
361 Proc On Death
362 Potion Belt
363 Bandolier
364 AddTripleAttackChance
365 Proc On Spell Kill Shot
366 Group Shielding
367 Modify Body Type
368 Modify Faction
369 Corruption
370 ResistCorruption
371 Slow
372 Grant Foraging
373 Doom Always
374 Trigger Spell
375 Critical DoT Damage Mod %
376 Fling
377 Doom Entity
378 Resist Other SPA
379 Directional Shadowstep
380 Knockback Explosive (PC Only)
381 Fling Target to Caster
382 Suppression
383 Fc_CastProcNormalized
384 Fling Caster to Target
385 Ff_WhichSpellGroup
386 Doom Dispeller
387 Doom Dispellee
388 Summon All Corpses
389 Fc_Timer_Refresh
390 Fc_Timer_Lockout
391 Ff_Mana_Max
392 Fc_Heal_Amt
393 Fc_Heal_%_Incoming
394 Fc_Heal_Amt_Incoming
395 Fc_Heal_%_Crit
396 Fc_Heal_Amt_Crit
397 Pet Add AC
398 Fc_Swarm_Pet_Duration
399 Fc_Twincast
400 Healburn
401 Mana Ignite
402 Endurance Ignite
403 Ff_SpellClass
404 Ff_SpellSubclass
405 Staff Block Chance
406 Doom Limit Use
407 Doom Focus Used
408 Limit HP
409 Limit Mana
410 Limit Endurance
411 Ff_ClassPlayer
412 Ff_Race
413 Fc_BaseEffects
414 Ff_CastingSkill
415 Ff_ItemClass
416 AC_2
417 Mana_2
418 Skill Min_Damage Amt 2
419 Contact Ability 2 (Melee Proc)
420 Fc_Limit_Use
421 Fc_Limit_Use_Amt
422 Ff_Limit_Use_Min
423 Ff_Limit_Use_Type
424 Gravitate
425 Fly
426 AddExtTargetSlots
427 Skill Proc (Attempt)
428 Proc Skill Modifier
429 Skill Proc (Success)
430 PostEffect
431 PostEffectData
432 ExpandMaxActiveTrophyBenefits
433 Normalized Skill Min_Dmg Amt 1
434 Normalized Skill Min_Dmg Amt 2
435 Fragile Defense
436 Toggle Freeze Buff Timers
437 Teleport to Anchor
438 Translocate to Anchor
439 Assassinate Chance / DMG
440 FinishingBlowMax
441 Distance Removal
442 Doom Req Target
443 Doom Req Caster
444 Improved Taunt
445 Add Merc Slot
446 A_Stacker
447 B_Stacker
448 C_Stacker
449 D_Stacker
450 DoT Guard
451 Melee Threshold Guard
452 Spell Threshold Guard
453 Doom Melee Threshold
454 Doom Spell Threshold
455 Add Hate %
456 Add Hate Over Time %
457 Resource Tap
458 Faction Mod %
459 Skill Damage Mod 2
460 Ff_Override_NotFocusable
461 Fc_Damage_%2
462 Fc_Damage_Amt2
463 Shield Target
464 PC Pet Rampage
465 PC Pet AE Rampage
466 PC Pet Flurry Chance
467 DS Mitigation Amount
468 DS Mitigation Percentage
469 Chance Best in Spell Group
470 Trigger Best in Spell Group
471 Double Melee Round (PC Only)
472 Buy AA Rank
473 Double Backstab From Front
474 Pet Crit Melee Damage% (Owner)
475 Trigger Spell Non-Item
476 Weapon Stance
477 Hatelist To Top Index
478 Hatelist To Tail Index
479 Ff_Value_Min
480 Ff_Value_Max
481 Fc_Cast_Spell_On_Land
482 Skill Base Damage Mod
483 Fc_Spell_Damage_%_IncomingPC
484 Fc_Spell_Damage_Amt_IncomingPC
485 Ff_CasterClass
486 Ff_Same_Caster
487 Extend Tradeskill Cap
488 Defender Melee Force % (PC)
489 Worn Endurance Regen Cap
490 Ff_ReuseTimeMin
491 Ff_ReuseTimeMax
492 Ff_Endurance_Min
493 Ff_Endurance_Max
494 Pet Add Atk
495 Ff_DurationMax

Revision as of 18:54, 22 November 2017

Here is a list of EverQuest SPAs. SPA is SPell Affect, which refers to a specific set of values for each spell which controls what they do. This list is from this thread with posts by EQ Developers.


0 HP

1 AC

2 Attack Power

3 Movement Rate







10 CHA

11 Melee Speed

12 Invisibility

13 See Invis

14 Enduring Breath

15 Mana

16 NPC-Frenzy

17 NPC-Awareness

18 NPC Aggro

19 NPC Faction

20 Blindness

21 Stun

22 Charm

23 Fear

24 Fatigue

25 Bind Affinity

26 Gate

27 Dispel Magic

28 Invis Vs Undead

29 Invis Vs Animals

30 NPC-ReactRange

31 Enthrall (Mez)

32 Create Item

33 Spawn NPC

34 Confuse

35 Disease

36 Poison

37 DetectHostile

38 DetectMagic

39 NoTwincast

40 Invulnerability

41 Banish

42 Shadow Step

43 Berserk

44 Lycanthropy

45 Vampirism

46 Resist Fire

47 Resist Cold

48 Resist Poison

49 Resist Disease

50 Resist Magic

51 Detect (Switch) Traps

52 Detect Undead

53 Detect Summoned

54 Detect Animals

55 Stoneskin

56 True North

57 Levitation

58 Change Form

59 Damage Attackers (DS)

60 TransferItem

61 Identify

62 Item ID

63 NPC-WipeHatelist

64 Spin Stun

65 Infravision

66 Ultravision


68 Reclaim Energy

69 Max HP

70 CorpseBomb

71 Create Undead

72 PreserveCorpse

73 TargetsView

74 FeignDeath

75 Ventriloquism

76 Sentinel

77 LocateCorpse

78 SpellShield

79 InstantHP

80 Enchant:Light

81 Resurrect

82 Summon Target

83 Portal


85 Contact Ability (Melee Proc)

86 NPC-Help-Radius

87 Telescope

88 Combat Portal

89 Height

90 IgnorePet

91 SummonCorpse

92 Hate (On Spell Land)

93 WeatherControl

94 Fragile

95 Sacrifice

96 Silence

97 Max Mana

98 Bard Haste

99 Root

100 DOT Heals

101 Complete Heal (Residual Buff)

102 Pet No Fear

103 Summon Pet

104 Translocate

105 Anti-Gate (NPC Only)

106 BeastLordPet

107 Alter Pet Level

108 Familiar

109 CreateItemInBag

110 Ranger Archery Accuracy %

111 Resistances

112 Adjust Casting Skill (Fizzles)

113 SummonMount

114 Modify Hate

115 Cornucopia

116 Curse

117 HitMagic

118 Amplification

119 BardHaste2

120 HealMod

121 IronMaiden

122 ReduceSkill

123 Immunity

124 Fc_Damage_%

125 Fc_HealMod

126 Fc_ResistMod

127 Fc_CastTimeMod

128 Fc_DurationMod

129 Fc_RangeMod

130 Fc_HateMod

131 Fc_ReagentMod

132 Fc_ManaMod

133 Fc_StunTimeMod

134 Ff_LevelMax

135 Ff_ResistType

136 Ff_TargetType

137 Ff_WhichSPA

138 Ff_Beneficial

139 Ff_WhichSpellID

140 Ff_DurationMin

141 Ff_InstantOnly

142 Ff_LevelMin

143 Ff_CastTimeMin

144 Ff_CastTimeMax

145 Portal NPC Warder Banish

146 Portal Locations

147 Percent Heal

148 StackingBlocker

149 StripVirtualSlot

150 Divine Intervention/Death Pact

151 PocketPet

152 PetSwarm

153 Damage Balance

154 Cancel Negative

155 PoP Resurrect

156 Mirror

157 Feedback

158 Reflect

159 Mod all Stats

160 Inebriation | Sobriety

161 Spell Guard

162 Melee Guard

163 Absorb Hit

164 Object - Sense Trap

165 Object - Disarm Trap

166 Object - Picklock

167 Fc_Pet

168 Defensive

169 Critical Melee (PC Only)

170 Spell Crit Damage

171 Crippling Blow

172 Evasion

173 Riposte

174 Dodge

175 Parry

176 Dual Wield

177 Double Attack

178 Melee Resource Drain

179 Puretone

180 Sanctification

181 Fearless

182 Hundred Hands

183 UNUSED - Skill Increase Chance

184 Accuracy %

185 Skill Damage Mod 1

186 Min Damage Done Mod

187 Mana Balance

188 Block

189 Endurance

190 Max Endurance

191 Amnesia

192 Hate (Duration Only)

193 Skill Attack

194 Fade

195 Stun Resist (Melee+Spell)

196 Deprecated (strikethrough)

197 Skill Damage Taken Incoming

198 Instant Endurance

199 Taunt

200 Weapon Proc Chance

201 Ranged Proc

202 IllusionOther

203 MassBuff

204 Group Fear Immunity

205 AE Rampage Instant (PC Only)

206 AE Taunt

207 Flesh to Bone

208 Purge Poison

209 Cancel Beneficial

210 Shield Caster

211 AE Melee (PC Only)

212 Fc_FrenziedDevastation

213 Pet % HP

214 HP Max Percent

215 Pet Avoidance %

216 Melee Accuracy Amt

217 Headshot

218 Pet Crit Melee Chance (Owner)

219 SlayUndead

220 Skill Min_Damage Amt 1

221 ReduceWeight

222 BlockBehind

223 Double Riposte

224 AddRiposte

225 Give Double Attack

226 2hbash

227 ReduceSkillTimer

228 ReduceFallDmg

229 CastThroughStun

230 Increase Shield Distance

231 StunBashChance

232 Divine Save

233 Metabolism

234 Poison Mastery

235 FocusChannelling

236 Free Pet

237 PetAffinity

238 Permanent Illusion

239 Stonewall

240 String Unbreakable

241 Improve Reclaim Energy

242 IncreaseChanceMemwipe

243 NoBreakCharmChance

244 RootBreakChance

245 Trap Circumvention

246 Lung Capacity

247 IncreaseSkillCap

248 ExtraSpecialization

249 Offhand Weapon MinDamage Bonus

250 Increase ContactAbility Chance

251 EndlessQuiver

252 Backstab FullDamage From Front

253 Chaotic Stab

254 NoSpell

255 Shielding Duration Mod

256 Shroud of Stealth

257 DEPRECATED - GivePetHold

258 Triple Backstab

259 ACLimitMod

260 AddInstrumentMod

261 SongModCap

262 StatsCap

263 TradeskillMasteries

264 ReduceAATimer

265 NoFizzle

266 AddExtraAttackChance (2h)

267 AddPetCommands

268 AlcFailRate

269 Bandage Max HP Limit %

270 Bard Song Beneficial Radius %

271 BaseRunMod

272 Bard Song Level

273 Critical DoT

274 CriticalHeal

275 Critical Mend %

276 DualWieldAmt

277 ExtraDIChance

278 FinishingBlow

279 FlurryChance (PC Only)

280 Pet Flurry Chance (Owner)

281 GivePetFeign

282 Increase Bandage Heal %

283 SpecialAttackChain

284 LoHSetHeal

285 Allow Hide/Evade While Moving

286 Fc_Damage_Amt

287 Fc_DurationMod (static)

288 Add Proc Hit (AA)

289 Doom Effect

290 Increase Movement Cap

291 Purify

292 Strikethrough

293 StunResist2 (Melee)

294 Spell Crit Chance

295 ReduceTimerSpecial

296 Fc_Spell_Damage_%_Incoming

297 Fc_Spell_Damage_Amt_Incoming

298 Height (Small)

299 Wake the Dead 1 (Corpse Class)

300 Doppelganger

301 Increase Range Damage

302 Fc_Damage_%_Crit

303 Fc_Damage_Amt_Crit

304 Secondary Riposte Mod

305 Mitigate Damage Shield Offhand

306 Wake the Dead 2 (File Class)

307 Appraisal

308 Zone Suspend Minion

309 Teleport Caster's Bindpoint

310 Fc_ReuseTimer

311 Ff_CombatSkill

312 Observer

313 Forage Master

314 Improved Invis

315 Improved Invis Undead

316 Improved Invis Animals

317 Worn Regen Cap

318 Worn Mana Regen Cap

319 Critical HP Regen

320 Shield Block Chance

321 Reduce Target Hate

322 Gate Starting City

323 Defensive Proc

324 HP for Mana

325 No Break AE Sneak

326 Spell Slots

327 Buff Slots

328 Negative HP Limit

329 Mana Absorb % Damage

330 Critical Melee Damage Mod

331 Alchemy Item Recovery

332 Summon to Corpse

333 Doom Rune Effect

334 HP No Move

335 Fc_Immunity_Focus

336 Illusionary Target

337 Increase Exp %

338 Expedient Recovery

339 Fc_CastProc

340 Chance Spell

341 Worn Attack Cap

342 No Panic

343 Spell Interrupt

344 Item Channeling

345 Assassinate Max Level / Chance

346 Headshot Max

347 Double Ranged Attack

348 Ff_Mana_Min

349 Increase Damage With Shield

350 Manaburn

351 Spawn Interactive Object

352 Increase Trap Count

353 Increase SOI Count

354 Deactivate All Traps

355 Learn Trap

356 Change Trigger Type

357 Fc_Mute

358 Instant Mana

359 Passive Sense Trap

360 Proc On Kill Shot

361 Proc On Death

362 Potion Belt

363 Bandolier

364 AddTripleAttackChance

365 Proc On Spell Kill Shot

366 Group Shielding

367 Modify Body Type

368 Modify Faction

369 Corruption

370 ResistCorruption

371 Slow

372 Grant Foraging

373 Doom Always

374 Trigger Spell

375 Critical DoT Damage Mod %

376 Fling

377 Doom Entity

378 Resist Other SPA

379 Directional Shadowstep

380 Knockback Explosive (PC Only)

381 Fling Target to Caster

382 Suppression

383 Fc_CastProcNormalized

384 Fling Caster to Target

385 Ff_WhichSpellGroup

386 Doom Dispeller

387 Doom Dispellee

388 Summon All Corpses

389 Fc_Timer_Refresh

390 Fc_Timer_Lockout

391 Ff_Mana_Max

392 Fc_Heal_Amt

393 Fc_Heal_%_Incoming

394 Fc_Heal_Amt_Incoming

395 Fc_Heal_%_Crit

396 Fc_Heal_Amt_Crit

397 Pet Add AC

398 Fc_Swarm_Pet_Duration

399 Fc_Twincast

400 Healburn

401 Mana Ignite

402 Endurance Ignite

403 Ff_SpellClass

404 Ff_SpellSubclass

405 Staff Block Chance

406 Doom Limit Use

407 Doom Focus Used

408 Limit HP

409 Limit Mana

410 Limit Endurance

411 Ff_ClassPlayer

412 Ff_Race

413 Fc_BaseEffects

414 Ff_CastingSkill

415 Ff_ItemClass

416 AC_2

417 Mana_2

418 Skill Min_Damage Amt 2

419 Contact Ability 2 (Melee Proc)

420 Fc_Limit_Use

421 Fc_Limit_Use_Amt

422 Ff_Limit_Use_Min

423 Ff_Limit_Use_Type

424 Gravitate

425 Fly

426 AddExtTargetSlots

427 Skill Proc (Attempt)

428 Proc Skill Modifier

429 Skill Proc (Success)

430 PostEffect

431 PostEffectData

432 ExpandMaxActiveTrophyBenefits

433 Normalized Skill Min_Dmg Amt 1

434 Normalized Skill Min_Dmg Amt 2

435 Fragile Defense

436 Toggle Freeze Buff Timers

437 Teleport to Anchor

438 Translocate to Anchor

439 Assassinate Chance / DMG

440 FinishingBlowMax

441 Distance Removal

442 Doom Req Target

443 Doom Req Caster

444 Improved Taunt

445 Add Merc Slot

446 A_Stacker

447 B_Stacker

448 C_Stacker

449 D_Stacker

450 DoT Guard

451 Melee Threshold Guard

452 Spell Threshold Guard

453 Doom Melee Threshold

454 Doom Spell Threshold

455 Add Hate %

456 Add Hate Over Time %

457 Resource Tap

458 Faction Mod %

459 Skill Damage Mod 2

460 Ff_Override_NotFocusable

461 Fc_Damage_%2

462 Fc_Damage_Amt2

463 Shield Target

464 PC Pet Rampage

465 PC Pet AE Rampage

466 PC Pet Flurry Chance

467 DS Mitigation Amount

468 DS Mitigation Percentage

469 Chance Best in Spell Group

470 Trigger Best in Spell Group

471 Double Melee Round (PC Only)

472 Buy AA Rank

473 Double Backstab From Front

474 Pet Crit Melee Damage% (Owner)

475 Trigger Spell Non-Item

476 Weapon Stance

477 Hatelist To Top Index

478 Hatelist To Tail Index

479 Ff_Value_Min

480 Ff_Value_Max

481 Fc_Cast_Spell_On_Land

482 Skill Base Damage Mod

483 Fc_Spell_Damage_%_IncomingPC

484 Fc_Spell_Damage_Amt_IncomingPC

485 Ff_CasterClass

486 Ff_Same_Caster

487 Extend Tradeskill Cap

488 Defender Melee Force % (PC)

489 Worn Endurance Regen Cap

490 Ff_ReuseTimeMin

491 Ff_ReuseTimeMax

492 Ff_Endurance_Min

493 Ff_Endurance_Max

494 Pet Add Atk

495 Ff_DurationMax