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Drakkin Male (Atathus)
Drakkin Female (Atathus)

The Drakkin, hailing from Crescent Reach, are a vaguely Human-like race with draconic features. They were created by a rebel group of Dragons known as the Circle of the Crystalwing who, disagreeing with their brethren over how best to preserve the future of their race, broke away from The Nest, coercing and kidnapping Human subjects and blessing them with a small but potent degree of draconic blood. These first Drakkin and their subsequent progeny took home in the abandoned Ogre city in the Serpent's Spine Mountains and named it Crescent Reach.

All Drakkin are devoted to their draconic cause, for all hear the call of Veeshan in their hearts, and so are looked upon with some distrust by the majority of other races, though they are permitted entrance to most cities on Norrath. This is not much of a concern for newly awoken Drakkin, however, as Crescent Reach is a bustling city with much to see and do in it's own right.

Being dragon-born the Drakkin have an innate ability to breath a certain element from their mouths as a tool to be used in combat, the element expressed depending on their particular draconic lineage. As they were once Human, the Drakkin are a versatile people and as such are capable of taking up most adventuring classes with exception to the Beastlord, Berserker and the Shaman - professions considered beneath a race of such regal history.

Special Abilities

  • To find out your heritage/color, check "inventory/face", there it will show your heritage/color.
  • Quest line for Breath weapon starts with talking to Council Aide Mystrana.
  • In order to be able to speak to your Dragon, you might have to have a certain faction.

Bloodline Specific Breath Weapon

Starting Statistics

Bard 75 85 85 80 85 80 85 25
Cleric 75 75 85 85 85 90 75 30
Druid 70 75 85 90 85 90 75 30
Enchanter 70 75 85 80 95 80 85 30
Magician 70 75 85 90 95 80 75 30
Monk 75 85 95 85 85 80 75 20
Necromancer 70 85 85 80 95 80 75 30
Paladin 80 75 85 85 85 85 85 20
Ranger 75 75 95 90 85 85 75 20
Rogue 70 85 95 80 85 80 75 30
Shadowknight 80 75 85 85 95 80 80 20
Warrior 80 75 90 90 85 80 75 25
Wizard 70 75 85 90 95 80 75 30